All of our services are powered by a single device: your Apple device (iPhone, iPad, iPod, Apple Watch). Providers can choose from a combination of virtual scribes, speech-to-text, AirMic, and transcription. Its perfect for taking down a quick note, creating to-do lists, and doodling.

The pressure-sensitive LCD writing surface. Product Description About Iscribe Lcd Tablet The iScribe is a slim and lightweight e-writer. Getting started with iScribe is as easy as downloading the app, entering your credentials and you’re off and running! Scribe 8.5 LCD Memo Board is a reusable and paperless electronic memo board that is ultra-thin and lightweight. And you don’t have to contact a separate sales or support department for each solution. iScribe is an easy-to-use mobile app that gives providers anytime/anywhere access via iPhone or iPad to view and enter clinical information for patients. No new systems need to be installed into every clinical room. That’s right, providers can switch services from patient-to-patient in order to optimize their speed and productivity while reducing cost. New patient visits during, where the physician typically spends more time in the room, are a great fit for our virtual scribe offering, whereas recheck/follow-up visits can be easily completed with our mobile app with embedded voice recognition. IScribe allows providers to choose the appropriate tool and service on-demand for each patient. Many practices are not ready to gamble with their documentation and budgets while boxing themselves into a singular workflow. The future of healthcare might be AI-driven but we’re living in the present.